Saturday, November 3, 2007
Self-assessment of online listening to podcast 2
The second podcast I listened to was "Featuring Egypt and Uzbekistan". I found this podcast in this website address Although this one was very long about 29 min., I found it interesting, because here was talking about real events happened in the world recently. In this podcast was talking about Natalia Antelava, who remembers the life and death of Uzbek journalist Alisher Saipov, whose outspoken criticism of the government cost him his life. In Sydney, Phil Merces discovers that for many expatriates a life "down-under" is not for them, and Jenny Cuffe discovers love blossoms despite the shadow of conflict in Iraq's northern autonomous region. The level of English was advanced and the rate of speaking was fast. I think that the speakers accent was British. I listened this podcast once, because it was very long. But it was enough for me to understand the main point. I did not find a transcript of this podcast, so I can't look to a whole text. In this listening was a lot of unknown words for me. During listening I marked some of them:outspoken, expatriates and blossoms.After listening I looked up the meaning of this words in a dictionary. I suppose that I have still practice to be completely prepared for my exam listening paper.
Self-assessment of online listening to podcast 1
I have listened to podcast "Study of college athletes finds exercise-induced asthma is common". The website address where I found this podcast is I found this listening very interesting, because speakers spoke about the winners of the Nobel Prize in medicine and about a health problem resulting from physical exercise. The level of English was intermediate and the rate of speaking was average. I think that the speakers accent was American. I listened this podcast only once because words was not difficult to understand. After listening I looked to a transcript. In this text was some words unknown for me: knockout, lung and induced, so I looked up the meaning of these words in a dictionary. I suppose that I am not completely prepared for my exam listening parer. I will improve my listening skills if I will listen to podcasts as often as possible, listen to my friends in English classes and after watching English films on TV looked up the meaning of unknown words in a dictionary.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I would like to compare prisons in the UK and in Lithuania.
There are more than 85,ooo prisoners in about 160 jails in the UK. The vast majority of them are in England and Wales. All prisoners pass through reception, which is responsible for checking identities and monitoring numbers. New arrivals are seen by a nurse, to identify those coming off drugs. All prisoners have access to education. At Chelmsford Prison, educational facilities include a barber's salon, IT classes and cookery lessons. There is significant take-up of English lessons among the many foreign prisoners. Prison kitchen have to keep inmates well fed on a tight budget. Breakfast, lunch and an evening meal cost an average of 1.87 pounds for prisoner per day. All prisoners have sports facilities. The gym is used by about 70% of prisoners. Prison staff make sure that a visit is allowed and visitors have the right paperwork. At Chelmsford Prison, dog checks that visitors are not carrying drugs. Family visits are held once a month.
There are about 8400 prisoners in Lithuania. Our country has only one prison-Lukiškių prison. The state gives for Lukiškių prison 15 mln. Lt per year. Breakfast, lunch and an evening meal cost an average of 5,99 Lt for working inmate per day, for not working prisoner-4,20 Lt, for a convicted woman-4,19 Lt, for young offender-7,88 Lt per day. Only 30 of all prisoners are working. Living conditions are not bad and not good, because in one cell live 4-5 inmates and in the same room there is a toilet. Prisoners are allowed TVs and computers without the internet. In Lithuania all prisoners also have access to education. Those who did not finish a school can get secondary education. Swedish language is very popular in a jail, because a prison a lot of cooperate with Swedish organization CRIS, which was established by a former addict inmate. Family visits are held once for two months and inmates can to call once a week.
In conclusion, I think that in the UK jails there are more conditions to reform prisoners. One person said that Lithuanian jail do not reform people, here is increasing a cruelty. I completely agree with this statement.
There are more than 85,ooo prisoners in about 160 jails in the UK. The vast majority of them are in England and Wales. All prisoners pass through reception, which is responsible for checking identities and monitoring numbers. New arrivals are seen by a nurse, to identify those coming off drugs. All prisoners have access to education. At Chelmsford Prison, educational facilities include a barber's salon, IT classes and cookery lessons. There is significant take-up of English lessons among the many foreign prisoners. Prison kitchen have to keep inmates well fed on a tight budget. Breakfast, lunch and an evening meal cost an average of 1.87 pounds for prisoner per day. All prisoners have sports facilities. The gym is used by about 70% of prisoners. Prison staff make sure that a visit is allowed and visitors have the right paperwork. At Chelmsford Prison, dog checks that visitors are not carrying drugs. Family visits are held once a month.
There are about 8400 prisoners in Lithuania. Our country has only one prison-Lukiškių prison. The state gives for Lukiškių prison 15 mln. Lt per year. Breakfast, lunch and an evening meal cost an average of 5,99 Lt for working inmate per day, for not working prisoner-4,20 Lt, for a convicted woman-4,19 Lt, for young offender-7,88 Lt per day. Only 30 of all prisoners are working. Living conditions are not bad and not good, because in one cell live 4-5 inmates and in the same room there is a toilet. Prisoners are allowed TVs and computers without the internet. In Lithuania all prisoners also have access to education. Those who did not finish a school can get secondary education. Swedish language is very popular in a jail, because a prison a lot of cooperate with Swedish organization CRIS, which was established by a former addict inmate. Family visits are held once for two months and inmates can to call once a week.
In conclusion, I think that in the UK jails there are more conditions to reform prisoners. One person said that Lithuanian jail do not reform people, here is increasing a cruelty. I completely agree with this statement.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Conflict occurs when individuals or groups are not obtaining what they need or want and are seeking their own self-interest.
Beginnings of conflict can be poor communication, seeking power, dissatisfaction with management style, weak leadership, lack of openness and change in leadership.
Conflict is destructive when it takes attention from other important activities, polarizes people and groups, reducing cooperation, increases difference and leads to harmful behavior, such as fighting, name-calling. Conflict is constructive when it results in solutions to problems, involves people in resolving issues important to them, causes authentic communication, helps release emotion, anxiety and stress, builds cooperation among people through learning more about each other and helps individuals develop undurstanding and skills.
The best way to solve a conflict is to prevent it, but this thing is not possible in each of the complex situation of life. When we face this kind of problem, what can we do?
The first step is to establish if there is a real conflict, meaning if there are two sides that have different interests and neither of them willing to make a compromise.
The next step, if there is a real conflict is search the causes.
If after analizing the causes of the conflict, you couldn't reach a common point, then negotiate the state of facts: what can be saved? How would things look if there were no conflict?
The last step is to learn from previous mistakes.
In conclusion, to be in conflict with somebody is not a good idea because it is not healthy and costs a lot of nerves.
Beginnings of conflict can be poor communication, seeking power, dissatisfaction with management style, weak leadership, lack of openness and change in leadership.
Conflict is destructive when it takes attention from other important activities, polarizes people and groups, reducing cooperation, increases difference and leads to harmful behavior, such as fighting, name-calling. Conflict is constructive when it results in solutions to problems, involves people in resolving issues important to them, causes authentic communication, helps release emotion, anxiety and stress, builds cooperation among people through learning more about each other and helps individuals develop undurstanding and skills.
The best way to solve a conflict is to prevent it, but this thing is not possible in each of the complex situation of life. When we face this kind of problem, what can we do?
The first step is to establish if there is a real conflict, meaning if there are two sides that have different interests and neither of them willing to make a compromise.
The next step, if there is a real conflict is search the causes.
If after analizing the causes of the conflict, you couldn't reach a common point, then negotiate the state of facts: what can be saved? How would things look if there were no conflict?
The last step is to learn from previous mistakes.
In conclusion, to be in conflict with somebody is not a good idea because it is not healthy and costs a lot of nerves.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Gun control
Every year, more than two thousand people die in United States from gun-related injuries. The population groups most affected by these avoidable deaths are children and young sdolescents. The misuse of firearms is a problem worldwide, of course.
Research from around the world indicates that sociostructural factors, such as high unemployment rates, ethnic and religious hostilities, political insability, financial inequalities, lack of resources, and economic deprivation increase the likelihood of violence.
There are a variety of ways of dealing with the problems caused by guns in society, and legislation is is one of the methods most commonly used. Franklin Zimring has noted that laws that regulate gun use fall into three categories: those that limit the place and the manner of firearm use, those that keep guns out of the hands of highrisk users, and those that ban high risk firearms.
Place and manner legislation sets out to do as it suggests, to limit certain uses of firearms in certain locations. Examples include banning the use of firearms in public places and prohibiting the carrying of a firearm(except for those carried by security personnel and police).
Denying high-risk users access to firearms is the second type of legislative tool to control gun misuse. In order for this approach to work, the law has define clearly who falls into the category of "high-risk user". The term is usually applied to convicted criminals and to drug addicts. It also applies to minors. Such legislation attempts to make it difficult for members of these groups to possess a firearm.
The third legislative strategy used to combat the misuse of firearms is to introduce legislation regulating the use of very dangerous weapons. Sawed-off shotguns, machine guns, and certain military devices are the kinds of weapons covered by this type of legislation.
The ideal gun control measure would be one that would prevent all crime and violence involving guns without interfering with their legitimate use in contemporary life.
Research from around the world indicates that sociostructural factors, such as high unemployment rates, ethnic and religious hostilities, political insability, financial inequalities, lack of resources, and economic deprivation increase the likelihood of violence.
There are a variety of ways of dealing with the problems caused by guns in society, and legislation is is one of the methods most commonly used. Franklin Zimring has noted that laws that regulate gun use fall into three categories: those that limit the place and the manner of firearm use, those that keep guns out of the hands of highrisk users, and those that ban high risk firearms.
Place and manner legislation sets out to do as it suggests, to limit certain uses of firearms in certain locations. Examples include banning the use of firearms in public places and prohibiting the carrying of a firearm(except for those carried by security personnel and police).
Denying high-risk users access to firearms is the second type of legislative tool to control gun misuse. In order for this approach to work, the law has define clearly who falls into the category of "high-risk user". The term is usually applied to convicted criminals and to drug addicts. It also applies to minors. Such legislation attempts to make it difficult for members of these groups to possess a firearm.
The third legislative strategy used to combat the misuse of firearms is to introduce legislation regulating the use of very dangerous weapons. Sawed-off shotguns, machine guns, and certain military devices are the kinds of weapons covered by this type of legislation.
The ideal gun control measure would be one that would prevent all crime and violence involving guns without interfering with their legitimate use in contemporary life.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
employment law summary
Employment law is the branch of the legal proffesion that deals with employment related issues.
There are some important employee rights and one of them is compensation if a person is dismissed unfairly. The Employment Protection Act gives women the right to return to work after having a baby. People who are discriminated at work have the right to make a complaint to an industrial tribunal. European Court ruled that different ages for receiving retirement pensionwere legal. In EC employment law there is the right to trade in Sunday. Employees also have the right to strike which is recognized by law. In Japan workers work long hours and do not ask for overtime payment. Workers can live in big cities because their employer provide low-cost accomodation.
In conclusion, Japanese worker enjoy more security and better work conditions than workers in western countries.
There are some important employee rights and one of them is compensation if a person is dismissed unfairly. The Employment Protection Act gives women the right to return to work after having a baby. People who are discriminated at work have the right to make a complaint to an industrial tribunal. European Court ruled that different ages for receiving retirement pensionwere legal. In EC employment law there is the right to trade in Sunday. Employees also have the right to strike which is recognized by law. In Japan workers work long hours and do not ask for overtime payment. Workers can live in big cities because their employer provide low-cost accomodation.
In conclusion, Japanese worker enjoy more security and better work conditions than workers in western countries.
Internet fraud
The term "Internet" fraud refers generally to any type of fraud scheme that uses one or more components of the internet - such as chat rooms, e-mail, message boards, or Web sites- to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme.There are some tips to protect yourself and your family from various forms of Internet fraud.
First of all, if you want to avoid Internet auction fraud, understand as much as possible about how the auction works, what your obligations are as a buyer, and what the sellers obligations are. Ask the seller about when delivery can be expected. There should be no reason to give out your social security number to the seller.
Secondly, to avoid credit card fraud don't give out your credit card number online unless the site is a secure and reputable site. Before using the site, check out the security software it uses. Send them e-mail to see if they have an active e-mail adress and check if they are legitimate.
An other form of fraud is investment fraud. To avoid this one don't invest in anything based on appearances. Just because a company has a flashy web site it doesn't mean it is legitimate. Don't invest in anything you are not absolutely sure about.
What is more, if you want to avoid business fraud, purchase merchandise from the company that holds the trademark, copyright, or patent.
Finally, there are some points how to avoid the Nigerian letter scam. Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officials asking for your help in placing large sums of money in overseas bank accounts. Do not believe the promise of large sums of money for your cooperation.
In conclusion, you should always think twice before you invest your money in any opportunity you learn about through the Internet. If you think you've become a victim of internet fraud, act immediately to minimize the damage to your personal funds and financial accounts, as well as your reputation.
First of all, if you want to avoid Internet auction fraud, understand as much as possible about how the auction works, what your obligations are as a buyer, and what the sellers obligations are. Ask the seller about when delivery can be expected. There should be no reason to give out your social security number to the seller.
Secondly, to avoid credit card fraud don't give out your credit card number online unless the site is a secure and reputable site. Before using the site, check out the security software it uses. Send them e-mail to see if they have an active e-mail adress and check if they are legitimate.
An other form of fraud is investment fraud. To avoid this one don't invest in anything based on appearances. Just because a company has a flashy web site it doesn't mean it is legitimate. Don't invest in anything you are not absolutely sure about.
What is more, if you want to avoid business fraud, purchase merchandise from the company that holds the trademark, copyright, or patent.
Finally, there are some points how to avoid the Nigerian letter scam. Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officials asking for your help in placing large sums of money in overseas bank accounts. Do not believe the promise of large sums of money for your cooperation.
In conclusion, you should always think twice before you invest your money in any opportunity you learn about through the Internet. If you think you've become a victim of internet fraud, act immediately to minimize the damage to your personal funds and financial accounts, as well as your reputation.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Civil and public law summary
Civil and public law have many differences. Public law deals with relationship between the citizens and the state. Civil law deals with the relationship between citizens within a country. The main categories of civil law are: contracts, torts, trusts, probate and family law. The main categories of public law are: crimes, Constitutional law and International law. Civil and criminal procedures are different. Criminal actions usually are started by the state and civil actions are started by individuals or companies. A criminal case is brought by the prosecution. The party bringing a civil action is the plaintiff. In criminal law, a guilty defendant is punished by either 1. incarceration in a jail, 2. fine paid to the government, 3. execution of the defendant: the death penalty. In contrast, a defendant in civil law is never incarcerated. A losing defendant in civil action only reimburses the plaintiff for losses caused by the defendant's behavior. There are semiliarities between criminal and civil law. If the loser of a civil case refuses to pay money to the winner the procedures may result in a criminal prosecution.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Lifelong living strategy
Nowadays more and more people think about how to live that don't regret in the future.
Everybody must have a lifelong living strategy if they want to survive and achieve something in this life. Every person start's learning from young ages. Our first teachers are our parents.They are for us the example. At school and university we get basic knowledge about life. After university
people start a new life because they have to find a job, to make a family. It's hard to understand what you really want from life.I think that people have to do mistakes. It's said that from mistakes people learn and I strongly agree with this.
Everybody must have a lifelong living strategy if they want to survive and achieve something in this life. Every person start's learning from young ages. Our first teachers are our parents.They are for us the example. At school and university we get basic knowledge about life. After university
people start a new life because they have to find a job, to make a family. It's hard to understand what you really want from life.I think that people have to do mistakes. It's said that from mistakes people learn and I strongly agree with this.
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